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Open Dataset Variables#

The following variables are defined:

Event variables#

Variable Name Description
nJets Number of jets in the event.
primaryVertexToBeamDisplacementX X component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the center of the beam spot.
primaryVertexToBeamDisplacementY Y component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the center of the beam spot.
primaryVertexToBeamDisplacementZ Z component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the center of the beam spot.
primaryVertexToTruthVertexDisplacementX X component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the truth origin.
primaryVertexToTruthVertexDisplacementY Y component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the truth origin.
primaryVertexToTruthVertexDisplacementZ Z component of the displacement from the primary vertex to the truth origin.

Jet variables#

Variable Name Description
eta_btagJes Jet \eta in input (D)AOD.1
pt_btagJes Jet p_{\rm T} in input (D)AOD.1
eta Calibrated \eta of jet.
mass Mass of calibrated jet.
phi Jet \phi.
pt Calibrated p_{\rm T} of the jet. Flavor tagging is generally quantified in terms of this variable.
isJvtHS Truth hard-scatter label. Truth information! Do not use for training!
isJvtPU Truth pile up label. Truth information! Do not use for training!
eventNumber Event number of the event the jet is associated with.
HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID more detailed version of the HadronCone algorithm, with labels for double b-jets: 55 (double b-jets), 54 (bc jet). Truth information! Do not use for training!
HadronConeExclTruthLabelID jet label, using a geometric cone around the jet rather than the jet clustering algorithm. If a parton with a transverse momentum of more than 5 GeV is found within dR(q, jet) < 0.3 of the jet direction, the jet is labelled as a jet with the parton's flavour. The label should be one of: 0 (light jet), 4 (charm jet), 5 (bottom jet), or 15 (tau jet). Results should be similar to the ghost labeling. Truth information! Do not use for training!
HadronGhostExtendedTruthLabelID more detailed version of the HadronGhostTruthLabelID, with labels for jets with two hadrons: 55 (double b-jets), 54 (bc jet), 44 (cc jet). Truth information! Do not use for training!
HadronGhostTruthLabelID Jet flavour label using ghost associated hadrons. Labelling hadrons are required to have p_T > 5 GeV. The label should be one of: 0 (light jet), 4 (charm jet), 5 (bottom jet), or 15 (tau jet). Truth information! Do not use for training!
PartonTruthLabelDR dR(parton, jet) of the labelling parton. Truth information! Do not use for training!
PartonTruthLabelID Parton level flavour label, based on PDGID. The highest energy parton is used to label the jet. Truth information! Do not use for training!
PartonTruthLabelPt pT of the labelling parton. Truth information! Do not use for training!
matchedToTruthJet Jet is matched to an R = 0.4 anti-Kt truth jet.
ptFromTruthJet Matched R = 0.4 anti-Kt truth jet p_{\rm T}.
DL1dv01_pb Output from DL1d, b-jet probability.3 2
DL1dv01_pc Output from the DL1d, c-jet probability.3 2
DL1dv01_pu Output from the DL1d, light-jet probability.3 2
GN2v01_pb Output from the GN2, b-jet probability.3
GN2v01_pc Output from the GN2, c-jet probability.3
GN2v01_ptau Output from the GN2, \tau-jet probability.3
GN2v01_pu Output from the GN2, light-jet probability.3

Track variables#

Variable Name Description
valid valid flag, for more robust selection, true for any track that is defined
d0 transverse impact parameter relative to PV. (aka distance of closest approach of the track to the primary vertex point in the r-phi projection). Defined here6
d0Uncertainty uncertainty on track d0
phiUncertainty uncertainty on track phi
pt track transverse momentum
qOverP track charge divided by momentum magnitude
qOverPUncertainty uncertainty on track qOverP
theta track momentum polar angle
thetaUncertainty uncertainty on track theta
z0RelativeToBeamspot longitudinal impact parameter projected onto the direction perpendicular to the track, relative to beamspot
z0RelativeToBeamspotUncertainty uncertainty on track z0RelativeToBeamspot
z0SinTheta longitudinal impact parameter projected onto the direction perpendicular to the track, relative to the PV. Defined here6
z0SinThetaUncertainty uncertainty on track z0SinTheta
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits number of hits in the IBL: could be 0, 1, or 2
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits number of shared hits (contributing to the track fit and to another track) in the IBL
numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits number of split hits in the IBL
numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits number of hits in the next-to-innermost pixel layer: could be 0, 1, or 2
numberOfPixelHits combined number of hits in the pixel layers (including the IBL)
numberOfPixelSharedHits number of shared hits (contributing to the track fit and to another track + not marked as split hit) in the pixel layers (including the IBL)
numberOfPixelSplitHits number of split hits in the pixel layers (including the IBL; split hit = hit is identified as being created by multiple charged particles during ambiguity solver stage at pattern recognition level)
numberOfSCTHits combined number of hits in the SCT layers (since 2 strip hits are required for a full SCT spacepoint, this number is divided by two in the track selection)
numberOfSCTSharedHits Number of shared hits (contributing to the track fit and to another track) in the SCT layers (since 2 strip hits are required for a full SCT spacepoint, this number is divided by two in the track selection)
deta pseudorapidity distance between track and jet
dphi azimuthal angle distance between track and jet
ptfrac fraction of the jet pt carried by the track
lifetimeSignedD0 The lifetime-signed transverse impact parameter.4
lifetimeSignedD0Significance The lifetime-signed track d_0 significance (d_{0} / \sigma_{d_{0}}).4
lifetimeSignedZ0SinTheta The lifetime-signed longitudinal impact parameter, multiplied by \sin \theta.4
lifetimeSignedZ0SinThetaSignificance The lifetime-signed track z_0 significance (z_{0} \sin \theta / \sigma_{z_{0} \sin \theta}).4
ftagTruthOriginLabel Truth origin of the track.5
ftagTruthParentBarcode barcode of the parent B/C hadron (if one exists) of the truth particle linked to this track (if one exists). If no truth particles are linked to this track a value of -1 is returned. A value of -2 indicates that there is a truth particle linked to the track but it is not a B/C hadron. Used for linking to particles in the truth_hadrons dataset.
ftagTruthVertexIndex truth vertex index of the track. 0 is reserved for the truth PV, any SVs are indexed arbitrarily with a int >0. Truth vertices within 0.1mm are merged.
GN2v01_trackOrigin GN2 prediction for the track origin (ftagTruthOriginLabel).5
GN2v01_vertexIndex GN2 prediction for the track vertex index (ftagTruthVertexIndex).

Truth variables#

Variable Name Description
valid validity flag, for more robust selection, true for any truth particle that is defined
Lxy truth particle decay displacement7
decayVertexDPhi truth particle decay \phi offset, relative to the jet axis7
decayVertexZ Z component of the truth particle decay displacement7
deta pseudorapidity distance between truth particle and jet
dphi azimuthal angle distance between truth particle and jet
pt truth particle transverse momentum
barcode generator level barcode of the truth particle, used to link to objects in other datasets
ftagTruthParentBarcode barcode of the parent B hadron (if one exists) of the truth particle.
pdgId truth particle pdgId

Please reach out to the flavour tagging group if you have any questions:

ATLAS FTAG mattermost channel

  1. In production, flavor tagging algoirhtms run before the final jet calibration is applied.The jet energy scale at this stage is set by the jet calibration which is applied when jets are built.Jets saved in DAODs are calibrated to this scale as well.For consistency, we use this jet energy scale in the training as well. 

  2. The DL1 series includes DL1, DL1r, and DL1d. These are legacy taggers which are not recommended for physics analysis. They are included here only for comparison. 

  3. This is a high-level output from a neural network. It should not be considered a stable input to design new taggers. 

  4. The lifetime signed impact parameters are given a positive sign if |\phi_0 - \phi_{\mathrm{jet}}| < \pi / 2 and a negative sign otherwise, where \phi_0 and \phi_{\mathrm{jet}} are the \phi components of the track displacement and the jet momentum, respectively. 

  5. Tracks labels: 0 = pileup, 1 = fake, 2 = prompt, 3 = from b-hadron, 4 = from c child of a b hadron, 5 = from c-hadron, 6 = from \tau lepton, 7 = from other secondary decay. See InDetTrackTruthOriginDefs for ore information. 

  6. The conventional d_0 takes the sign of (\vec{p}_0 \times \vec{d}_0) \cdot \hat{z}, where \vec{d}_0 is the transverse track displacement at the closest approach to the primary vertex and \vec{p}_0 is the momentum at that point. 

  7. For truth variables the displacement is defined as the decay vertex position, relative to the production vertex for the simulated event.